series da lama gilerr kan xmengupdate blog..! sangat bz.menyempurnakan keje mr.JAVA saya.dan akhirnyer berjaya gak.dan telah selamat present dengan jayanyer pada hari isnin lepas.ALHAMDULILLAH.sekrang tggl lg beberapa hari nk exam.selasa depan dah ada paper.owhh.sgt takut still xbertaubat lg.sebab.semalam br jep g lepak2 ngan my gf.heeeee.sape lg kalu bukan my doraemon and my supergirl..sngt seronok okeyh.dan penat.
mula2 ktow decide nak g cam xbnyk benda je kite owg pon tukar plan.dan gerak kew times square.usha tiket wayang dlu.mula2 cam nk berperang gak.sbb xtaw nk tengok cite apa.last2 decide.nk tengok red riding hood.tawakal jep la kalu xbest twilight syokk je.HAHAHA.pas usha tiket ada masa ktowg gerak cr tmpt makan.then makan kat marrybrown je.nape pilih situ eah..?ntah la.aku pon terpinga2 gak time masuk xpela.layan jep.
dah siap makan ktowg pon gerak pusing2.pastuh teros masuk panggung.cite dah nk start okeyh.pasni tyme cuti mesti banyak movie yg bakal aku nak nak ajak sape ek..?xpe2.nnt aku fikirkan.mula cite start jep aku da rasa cam bestnyer cite nieyh.dan cite nyerr mmg best pon.aku sgt suka yg xsuka tuh.aku xtaw la.hehehe..sgt menarik ceritanyerr..jom synopsis cite red riding hood nieyhh.
Synopsis: Valerie (Amanda Seyfried) is a beautiful young woman torn between two men. She is in love with a brooding outsider Peter (Shiloh Fernandez), but her parents have arranged for her to marry the wealthy Henry (Max Irons). Unwilling to lose each other, Valerie and Peter are planning to run away together when they learn that Valerie's older sister has been killed by the werewolf that prowls the dark forest surrounding their village. For years, the people have maintained an uneasy truce with the beast, offering the creature a monthly animal sacrifice. But under a blood red moon, the wolf has upped the stakes by taking a human life. Hungry for revenge, the people call on famed werewolf hunter, Father Solomon (Gary Oldman), to help them kill the wolf. But Solomon's arrival brings unintended consequences as he warns that the wolf, who takes human form by day, could be any one of them. As the death toll rises with each moon, Valerie begins to suspect that the werewolf could be someone she loves. Panic grips the town as Valerie discovers that she has a unique connection to the beast-one that inexorably draws them together, making her both suspect...and bait.-- (C) Warner Bros.
pastuh ktowg gerak g jejalan kat makcik yg kecikk tuh sibuk nak g gunting rambut.pastuh ktowg terjump shuib kump sepah tuh.ngan bini dy.siti sarah.sgt comel.dua2 ktowg x ambik gambar pon.malas la.i nie bukan giler sgt nk bergambar ngan artis..heeeeeee =) ada gak la ktowg pusing ngan times tuh beberape kali.sebab xjump kedai gunting rambut yg terbaik.
tp sgt enjoy ok.dah.tyme untuk buka buku.tata =)